Let's talk about sauvy b, one of the world's most popular and planted grapes! It is literally planted everywhere from Old World to New World, from France to New Zealand, but what I love most about this grape is how it takes on the region's terroir and climate making different and unique hallmark styles multiple regions can call their own. Here are some fun facts about our favourite zippy white wine: • Originated in France, with Bordeaux, Loire Valley, and Southern France all claiming as its original home. • Name comes from the two French words "sauvage" (wild) and "blanc" (white). • 8th most planted wine grape. • Produces dry (crisp and refreshing) to dessert (blended) wines. • Primary Notes: Grass/Herbaceous | Gooseberry | Grapefruit | Honeydew | White Peach • Structure: Lighter Body | No Tannin | High Acidity | Medium Alcohol (11.5-13.5%) • Can be Oak Aged, Ex. Pouilly-Fume (Loire Valley) and Fume Blanc (California) • Serving: Temperature 7-10° in a Wh...
I'm Rebecca, a Certified Sommelier sharing my passion for the World of Wine one Glass at a time.